One Heart Service Teams

Considering Participating in a Short-Term Service Trip?

If you’re interested in serving others from different cultures for a week to 10 days, have an open mind, a giving heart, and the ability to be flexible, you should consider joining a service team!

One Heart Service Teams are led by Pastor Patty, Allie Marsden, and Kasey Cedergren to provide short-term national & international service trip experiences to people of all ages and faith traditions. To date, in-country trips have included 8-day trips to South Dakota, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Houston Texas.  We’re open to where the Spirit leads in planning upcoming in-country mission experiences.    

International 8-10-day trips to Guatemala through the Salud Y Paz Mission organization occur annually. Pastor Patty is a member of the Board of Directors of International Hands in Service, (SaludYPaz), a 501c3 health and welfare mission organization.

Allie Marsden, a member of the NCC Missions Board, and Kasey Cedergren are leading a team to Guatemala February 8 - 16, 2025.


For more information contact Pastor Patty at: