Kids at NCC
Equipping Youth to Navigate the World
NCC strives to provide children and teens with an experience of Jesus’ message of love through their experience within the church and serving the community with the church. Helping children understand the stories of the Bible and how Christians are called to live in community with others, care for the created world, and work for peace and justice is our intention.
Church gatherings for youth are offered throughout the year and every third Sunday of the month we offer special programming for children in our Lounge or Fellowship Hall. We love to hear the joyous sounds of children, Our friendly Welcome Team has small toys and activities for them during Sunday Service.
To find out more ways you and your children can participate, please contact- office@newmarketchurch.org.
Nursery Care
The worship experience at NCC is open to all people of all ages. The sounds of people of all ages in church is a joyful noise and is welcomed and appreciated. However, if your baby needs a breather, there is a comfortable space to sit with your child located in the lounge behind the sanctuary which can be accessed by walking up the left side of the sanctuary, taking a right into the hall, and the lounge is the third door on the left. Moms, Dads, and little ones are invited to go there at any time during the service and watch the service via our YouTube live stream.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation for youth in grades 7 – 12 are offered annually. If you are entering at least the 7th grade this fall and have not been confirmed, please let Pastor Patty know.
Community Service
There are plenty of opportunities to get connected! If you’re interested, please complete the Volunteer Form and we’ll be in touch!
Mission Trips
Working together to serve others for the glory of God is an amazing and life changing experience for all ages. Each year NCC leads mission trips, usually offering both a national and international experience and all ages are welcome. Read more about Mission Trips here.