The NCC Food Pantry provides access to nutritious food to people in the greater community who experience food insecurity while building community, creating connection, enriching lives and community service opportunities.
The NCC Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 12pm to 6pm.
Click a button below to jump directly to the information you need!
Food Pantry January 2025 Changes
In the spirit of love and unity that guides us at NCC, we kindly inform you of important changes to our Food Pantry services beginning 1/2/2025. With limited volunteers and the need to serve over 250 families weekly, we are discontinuing pre-order/pick up from the pantry and adapting our delivery process.
Have Questions? Click here to read our Q&A about Understanding the Changes.
Pantry Hours
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
The NCC Food Pantry provides fresh and non-perishable food, personal hygiene, and home cleaning items free of charge to Newmarket and Newfields NH residents.
If you are short on food during the week when the pantry is closed, we’ll do our best to help you. Call the NCC office at 603-659-3892 during open hours Monday - Thursday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
The Food Pantry operates through the generosity of many community volunteers who help stock the shelves, serve pantry shoppers with a smile and donate money and food to keep the shelves stocked! We adhere to the USDA nondiscrimination statement:
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).
New to the Pantry?
First Time Shoppers If you are a Newmarket or Newfields resident and you haven’t shopped at The Pantry before, please fill out the New Shopper Form by clicking the link below. Once you complete the New Shopper Form, you’re welcome to shop at the pantry and/or use the pre-order form every week.
Shoppers are invited to enter the pantry through the Fellowship Hall door located on the Water Street side of the church building at 137 Main Street in Newmarket NH.
The information collected here is for statistical purposes only and allows NCC to access more food for less in our efforts to better serve you. Your contact information will not be shared beyond NCC.
Not able to complete this form online? Not to worry! A pantry volunteer will help you register once you arrive at the pantry.
Ways to Shop at the Food Pantry
In-Person: Come to the pantry every Thursday to shop during open hours, 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM.
Want the quickest shopping experience? Right now, the pantry is less busy between 2:00–4:00 PM and 4:00–6:00 PM, so those might be good times to shop!
Pre-Order w/ Delivery: Completed an Online Pre-Order (or a volunteer can call to help you) with Delivery to your home if you do not have transportation or a friend to pick up for you.
Need help figuring out what is best for you? Give us a call at 603-659-3892 so we can help you navigate the process.
Online Preorder
The Online Pre-Order From is Available for Registered Shoppers with approved delivery.
Ordering is open Sunday Evening - Wednesday at 12 Noon
Once you register as a shopper, you’re invited to click on the form (between Sunday evening and before Wednesday at 12:00 PM weekly) to place your order. Your groceries will be lovingly packed by a team of volunteers and ready for pick up Thursday between 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Please be sure to include up to date contact information on your form so we can reach you if needed.

Please Consider Donating to the NCC Pantry
Monetary Donations
For each $1.00 donation, we can buy two meals worth of food from the NH Food Bank.
Please consider becoming an ongoing supporter of the NCC Food Pantry through a recurring donation. Your gifts will help the pantry to become more sustainable by providing a continuous source of funding to support and expand our feeding initiatives.
Your donation is tax-deductible and ensures that we will be here in the future to help those who need it most. Please click the button below to make a donation to the NCC Food Pantry.
We work to create a safe and comfortable experience for everyone; shoppers and volunteers alike. Each week shoppers will find nutritious food choices including dairy items, eggs, fresh produce, bread, meat, non-perishable foods, personal hygiene items, and home cleaning basics. If you'd like to join this mission, please consider the following ways to donate:
Donating Food & Household Items
Support NCC through our Amazon Wishlist. Your donations will be shipped directly to the NCC Pantry.
If you prefer to shop for food or share extra food that you have, you can bring your food donations to the following locations:
NCC Pantry (enter on the Water Street side of the church) on Thursday between 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
NCC Office (enter through the office door on the Mill side of the church). Monday - Wednesday 9AM-3PM; let us know you’re coming by calling 603-659-3892.
Drop Box Locations include:
NCC Thrift Shop at 10 North Main Street
Newmarket Public Library
Newmarket Rec Center
Chinburg Mill Building (on the first floor by the elevator)
Shaw’s Supermarket in Stratham
Donating your time as a volunteer
If you’d like to volunteer in the pantry, or any of the service projects at NCC, please complete the Volunteer Information Form. Then we will be in touch with you to get you started!
If you have questions or need more information, please get in touch
Curious about other ways to get involved with NCC?